Hello and welcome to our blog. We’ve been meaning to do something like this for quite a while now as we often get asked what we’re up to, why we do what we do and, in fact, the journey that we’ve all taken with Berakah over the last few years has been so rich and full of incredible experiences that cause a lot of pause for thought, that I thought it would be a shame not to share them with you.
On this site we (or more specifically I – Mohammed Nazam,guitarist with Berakah – although I’m really hoping it wont be just me blathering on and the other band members will eventually contribute some stuff too) will be sharing thoughts with you on a whole range of subjects related to the work that Berakah does, and the principles behind that work. It’ll all become clear as we go along!
First off, and for those who may not know what The Berakah Project is all about, here’s a piece that I wrote for an ethical investment company based in Salisbury, England. They deal in ethical investments and they approached me late last year and asked me to write about the idea behind Berakah and how I came up with it. I think the point is that so many people get hung up on ‘bad news’ and what I call the Consciousness Of Calamity, that we often forget that there are millions of people in the world trying their hardest to contribute something positive to the human experience.
To read the piece click on this link:
To find out more about the project visit our site,join our FB group or follow us in the TwitZone!
As always, we want you to join us in working towards a more peaceful world so please say hi, tell us your thoughts and, most importantly, enjoy our music.
Regards to all,
Guitar Monkey,