Are you a member of an organisation or body that has links to the local community? Next year is our 10th anniversary as a band and we’d like to tour around June/July, applying to the Arts Council for funding. The process means that we need to have 7 or so dates in the book agreed tacitly, and if we get the funding we go ahead with the dates.
When we play outside LDN we always work with local organisations on the ground at community level and view each concert as a partnership for that particular event. This obviously helps us to raise awareness of our work but also gives the local organisation ownership of the event as they have as much stake in it as we do.
We’re encouraging people we work with to see this tour as an opportunity to galvanise their local communities and get people involved, using our concert as a focal point at which to show unity and strengthen in the face of a rising tide of political and social tensions, especially the rise of the Right in various forms. we’re hoping that local partners will get all the diverse elements of their communities to rally behind our visit and make it a real event.
What we’re asking in terms of practicalities is a venue and local marketing. If we get an AC grant we’ll have all the other financial aspects covered. In the past we’ve played in churches, arts centres, community centres – all usually connected to a faith community and hopefully therefore at a vastly reduced fee, if not free as an ‘in kind’ gesture (always looked on favourably by the AC!).
If you’re interested in Berakah holding a concert in your local area please drop me a line at
Feel free to share this info far and wide.