It feels like a short summer break so I hope you managed to get sone sun and maybe some Hammock Time (any beach based MC’s feel free to use that one). Summer was super busy. As well as gigs and concerts with various bands I was setting the ground for future projects and, in line with our name change to Berakah Arts, widening our brief in terms of which art form we use to bring people together. Watch this space!
I’ve also been busy writing and my account of a recent ‘fact finding’ trip to Israel and The West Bank in the company of one of our Trustees is almost done. We’ll send out a link to our mailing list when it’s done.
Finally, we’re starting our choir project again, in partnership with Richmond Adult Community College, from Monday September 26th, 7pm to 9pm. We had a brilliant time last year with numerous performances and a really great set of songs to sing. We encourage anyone who has ever wanted to sing to come along, no experience necessary. And, thanks to RACC and CILS, it’s free! All the details are on the flier below.
Come and get involved in something positive. Singing for Peace couldn’t be more important now. To be honest, Peace really needs you.
Mo x